• dppIndustry@gmail.com
  • 9867638305


Software Engineer (SQL & BI Reporting)

Company: ABC Software Limited | Deadline: 2020/11/30

We are looking for a Software Engineer (SQL & BI Reporting) in our company.

New York, USA

PHP/Web Developer

Company: XYZ Software Limited | Deadline: 2020-07-23

This role will be focused on an integration project involving Marekto and Salesforce with additional work on our eCommerce platform.

New York, USA

Senior PHP Developer

Company: MM Software Limited | Deadline: 2028-07-19

Resume-Library is the fastest-growing job board in the U.S. market. We help thousands of expanding companies source the best candidates available. Our established tech team has worked hard to achieve a reputation for innovation, flexibility and usability, but we want more.

New York, USA